Saturday, June 21, 2008

final model

2k4ChargerMeshes1.usx ARCH1101_EXP3_LIANG_LINGWI.ut2

please change the file name to "2k4ChargerMeshes.usx" after downloaded

Friday, June 20, 2008


DONATELLA VERSACE's elevator seems like a weaving decoration which suggests a neat-handed woman to intwine her future.

elevator1--Steve Jobs

Steve's elevator combines the basic symbol of IPOD and elements of fire baloom, alludes his work is always above others, in Chinese:一览众山小(哈哈). but instead of a basket to be the standing place, i use soft cushion so people can stand, sit of sleep on there more comfortable(in case have acrophobia)

Final Model

Steve's elevator

the leopard fur surface suggests special taste of woman and fashion

Donatella Versace 's work place also conveys a power when one enter this space by placing the two tall trees on the two sides of the window.

drafts and practices

The balcony conntects with the entrace of Steve's work place,
the elevator will park on here. The maple and the water that is
falling on the entrance glass compose a peaceful environment
which provides more opportunities for Steve to close to the
nature during his busy life.

the long aisle of Steve's work place in the bridge
This is the work place for Donatella Versace which is below
the bridge.

office rooms for Steve have a regular trapezium shape with
French window. the use of white color as a simbol of IPOD.

the dinning table

The Dining table has two characters for both DONATELLA VERSACE and STEVE JOBS.Obviously, the table is support by a machine like hand, or can be the hand of a giganic robot. It demonstrates a high technologic era and the movement of the hand is like holding the power, symbolizing Steve Jobs has such powerful ability to be a outrunner of new technology. The wrist of the robot hand has a drawer, which is for placing newspapers and megazinesDifferently, the dining chairs with red and white for Donatella Versace are designed as a handing seats, represent the power of flexibility while the chain presents the power of sustain and strength.



entangle and split:symbolize the intellectual journey of STEVE JOBS's daily work.
Hunt: for DONATELLA VERSACE.idea comes from fashion, as they use animal's fur as a rich meterial.
