Sunday, April 6, 2008


1 comment:

YUN said...

Your sketches are so fascinating to look at, all of them represent the original word with so much satirical clarity. The conceal structure above ground is very similar to Toyo Ito's Municipal Funeral Hall in Kagamihara, with the dynamic roof form and the use of glass below to create an optical illusion of floating. I was wondering whether the wave form of the roof could be exaggerated so that parts of it lowers to the ground, forming arch shaped openings. This could almost echo the form of Roman Coliseums and would give this radical building a classic tone. The underground structure takes a very interesting organic form, and it seems a shame that all of it is buried underground. Maybe if the cellular structure was floating in liquid, which was an element you had used in the first underground sketchup model, the form of the building can be appreciated like interesting aquatic life in water tanks^^